Malaysian government’s ploy of labeling the Bersih 2.0 as a subversive element and a threat to national security (read UMNO security), led to the Bersih 2.0 Quartet to take to the streets of Delhi and then invaded the two most significant sites in India as far as freedom, liberty and democracy are concerned, to display their anger and concern and as a show of defiance to the regime that deliberately dissuade the actual Bersih 2.0 eight point demands for a free and fair election.
According to Wikipedia, The India Gate is a national monument of India that was originally known as All India War Memorial. With the kind of war being waged by Bolehland regime in Kuala Lumpur, what better place it would be to make a noteworthy presence here to air our grievances at the way elections are being handled in Bolehland and the filthy manner which a despot misuse public institutions to ensure his prolonged grip over the people and the country. It was a meaningful occasion in Kuala Lumpur today with freedom fighters walking the streets in peace demanding for a reinstatement of free and fair elections in Bolehland and it was equally momentous, jubilant and peaceful here in Delhi at the India Gate where the fearless foursome chose to organize a “demonstration” of sort with a (gritted) smile and greatly suppressed anger.
Have a look at the foursome with various poses, not to be outdone by the mayhem at the capital city of Bolehland.