Monday 1 June 2009

angels and demons

If you think Dan Brown is the only one fascinated with the above subject, then you can very wrong. In Malaysia, the subject is very much a household item. In fact, there are so many of these angels and demons here in Malaysia appearing in many other really misleading forms.

Let us talk about the angels some other time. Today we are going to talk about demons.
There are real demons that antagonize the nation daily. These demons have no qualms about the kind of injustices they inflict upon innocent citizens.

Favourite targets for these demons to be demonised are of course the opposition figures and parties. These figures are selectively taken to task for issues being created to strategically position them on par with these real demons.

There are however those mortal souls that are continuously being “demonized”, despite their earthly and humane behaviour. Those who continue to taunt these human souls justify their actions claiming that they wage war at Malays. Little that these ultra Malays realise that their tempers flare because of the racist tendencies that they possess or inherent in them. These UMNO goons, from the least educated bunch in remote villages and urban slumps to the sleek politicians in corridors of power including the prime minister himself, are guilty of racial slurs and hatred being propagated within the society.

Look at issues that continuously make headlines in UMNO-controlled mainstream media! You will note that they continue to claim to inadvertently pick these issues as headlines, whereas in fact these racially sensitive issues are exactly what they wish to fan. They have lost all avenues that can provide platform for disagreement within Malaysian society and continue to cling this single issue that they truly believe will be straw that will break the camel’s back.

Sad to say that they were not wrong in making this racial issue as the key issue! Time and again we, the general public, continued to buy their argument. But time has changed. Pre-independence citizens are getting older and post-independence citizens have woken up to a tune of a new kind of society that are civil, free of hatred and prejudices and abhor all kinds of injustices and pagan behaviours. They simply refuse to follow the demons or be demons themselves and detest bids to demonise others to justify causes of those real demons to colonise the nation.

I welcome the advent of internet age with great awe. The dark ages have gone past us. Only demons continue to live in the dark ages because of their dark nature. As these creatures are only drawn to darkness, they will continue to remain in the shadow and will never see daylight. These nocturnal beasts will never see the bright side, however hard one tries to make them see the light. It is best that they remain in the dark and one fine day the darkness that shrouds them will engulf them.

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