Tuesday, 14 October 2008

plundering the nation’s wealth while championing a reform?

Quote: “Without reforms truth is obscured and sentiment and innuendo reign supreme”, unquote. Yes, it was the famous SIL aka KJ quotation that appeared in the Star some time back. Funny that this comes from a person mired in controversy and whose hands are reaching into the nation’s coffer while basking under the sun wallowing in sheer pleasure in a party that resist all attempt at changing for the better.

Change or face people’s wrath! This is also their battle cry now. But they are the ones that prove to be the biggest boulders that block reforms.

How does a person institute change? How do we make sure that whatever changes that we want to do will be successful i.e. if we manage to “reform”. This is essentially managing change, or change management. Due to a need for any organisation to continue to change or face extinction, the subject has been a focus of many management gurus. The most influential and sought after change expert is John P Kotter.

Change involves people and their emotions, uncertainties and inconsistencies and therefore is very complex. A successful change or a reform requires LEADERSHIP and a bloody good one. Without the right leadership you can expect empty mantras and prevailing old school of thoughts instead of a rejuvenated entity. Kotter laid down almost foolproof steps towards leading a change. There is simply no shortcut and it is a science as much as it is an art.

Do you seriously think that UMNO can reform giving their current state of denial? I for one do not believe that it is possible. I have these words that I said time and again to my people that “If you are limping and people also point that out to you and if you think otherwise, you would continue to walk with a limp!” That is the classic form of denial.

Sad to say that there are those (disillusioned) lot that believe UMNO should and must reform. These are the minority though. Majority of those in power simply profess change but it is just a ploy to camouflage their act of robbing the nation of its fortune.

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