Friday, 12 September 2008

The Dawn of a New Era Begins on 913

The day RPK was arrested under ISA marks the beginning of a new era. As 916 is 3 days' away we see the BN/UMNO government cracks down on dissent. Malaysian Bloggers throughout this god forsaken land join voices in condemning the arrest and more arrests to come.

The PR team is in deep in conference to plan the impending takeover of Malaysia from the hands of the corrupt BN/UMNO.

There was a report of 6 mirror sites of Malaysiakini that were shut down signifying "war against bloggers". Already one blogger called this fateful incident "war time". Indeed they cast the first stone. We are but mere mortals that rise to their challenge.

Sun Tzu stressed on pivotal role of information gathering and dissemination. Arm yourselves dear comrades. Let us fight.

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