Monday, 29 September 2008

same old story, same old song and it always works

Here we go again! Break the enemy from within. Strategy used by the intelligence unit of UMNO (read Special Branch (SB) of the Royal Malaysian Police) is simple. Infiltrate the organisation and split it from within. In the case of Malaysian political scene, all organisations are being infiltrated at the same time. 7,000 full time personnel of the SB Unit are working 24/7 to initiate micro-cracks to stimulate divide and eventual collapse of targeted strategic organisations.

Four key UMNO-extension units are the major operatives. These are SB, MI, INTAN and ACA. They are working hand-in-gloves to perfection.

PAS, PKR and HINDRAF have been deeply infiltrated. PAS is struggling to fend off the silent movement of what one blogger (Tulang Besi) termed as the “UMNO-Fraction” within its party. The main aim is to divide with a lure of positions (later translated into dollars and cents) by bringing PAS into the BN coalition. It seems to be working VERY WELL. A very low key and quiet and subversive nature of the operation bears signature of the SB Unit.

PKR is being assaulted by the Anti Corruption Agency, ACA. The action has borne fruit with the sacking of an EXCO of the Perak State. More is in the pipeline.

HINDRAF is perhaps the easiest of all to infiltrate. It was infiltrated on the eve of its inception. Thanks to emotional nature of the founders and members. It is now singing MIC tune.

DAP is perhaps the most difficult to penetrate but they will jump with a slight nudge on the waist. The party has two time bombs, the 2KS; Kit Siang (KS) and Karpal Singh (KS). Both are capable of Killing Spree (KS).

Sun Tzu says, “War is Deception”. Knowledge and information is gathered using intelligence. Only wise ruler and brilliant leaders who are able to conduct intelligence with superiority and cleverness, is certain to achieve great results. Intelligence is the most important work, because the entire force relies on it for every move. It is the essence of strategy.

How about a counter strategy? Well, here’s some words from the great master.
The enemy's spies who have come to spy on us must be sought out, tempted with bribes, led away and comfortably housed. Thus they will become double agents and available for our service. It is through the information brought by the double agent that we are able to acquire and employ local and inward spies. It is owing to his information, again, that we can cause the doomed spy to carry false tidings to the enemy.

The SB has gone cyber. These are a group of highly intelligent personnel with deep sense of conviction but without conscience. The end justifies the means. Bloogers have been subdued and kept disarray with arrests and threat of arrests. Cyber counter intelligence sites and blogs are springing up. Have a good merry-go-round! Only the strong and intelligent will survive and also with high moral obligation and a holy conscience.

On the eve of Eid Mubarak, the last day of Ramadan, two blessed months of the Muslim calendar.

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